New Product
We are delighted to present to you our brand new infant formula, Rontamil AR, which is specifically formulated in order to alleviate common regurgitation symptoms in babies.
Regurgitation is a common problem of infants throughout the world, affecting up to half of all babies at 2 months of age. Babies with uncomplicated regurgitation are frequently perceived by their parents as having a problem, and their parents often seek medical attention in about 20% of all cases.
According to the Clinical Practice Guidelines for Regurgitations Management in Infants (Joint Recommendations of NASPGHAN and ESPGHAN, 2009), anti-regurgitation formulas are in the first line of defense for the treatment of uncomplicated GER, and are basically formulas that include a thickening agent in order to deal with regurgitations, with a positive effect on the infant’s quality of life and well-being.
Rontamil AR is the ideal anti-regurgitation formula and at the same time a complete infant milk from birth onwards that:
> deals effectively with the problem of regurgitations in infants,
> has corn starch, a very effective thickener in regurgitations management that is highly digestible and does not interfere with Ca, Fe & Zn absorption,
> has symbiotic (B.lactis & FOS) to be close to breast milk and also avoid any constipation problems that usually occur with common anti-regurgitation formulas.
And that’s just a glance…
More new state-of-the-art infant and baby nutrition products are coming soon!!!